By the water Narcissus looked upon his own reflection.
Every man in Narcissus great image reflected upon the same water.
A vision is shown, I slip into a dream,
Self fulfilled and meant to be,
Gods greatness shines through me.
I sometimes forget myself for being someone else.
The artist used context in mind of the listener to tell a story.
There is a mirror world hidden inside us.
A hall of many doors waiting to be opened.
May their solliloquy open your heart.
I fell asleep to a snake in the mirror telling little white lies.
Ezekiel 28:12-15
"Son of man, raise a lamentation over the king of Tyre,
And say to him, Thus says the Lord God:
"You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
You were in Eden, the garden of God;
Every precious stone was your covering, sardius, topaz,
And diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle;
And crafted in gold were your settings and your engravings.
On the day that you were created they were prepared.
You were an anointed guardian cherub. I placed you;
You were on the holy mountain of God;
In the midst of the stones of fire you walked.
You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created,
till unrighteousness was found in you.